It is easy to think that Bingo is a game that originated in the United States. After all, it is a popular game among Americans, especially those who are patrons of local casinos. Bingo is also a popular form of entertainment for those who are in nursing homes. The truth is that Bingo became a popular game even before it was popularized by the Americans. It started in 1530 in Italy. It used to be a lottery game, which was termed “Lo Guioco del Lotto D’Italia”. The game was usually played during the weekends when people had long days of rest.
It continued to be popular in Italy and gradually spread across various parts of Europe. It arrived in France in 1770 and in Germany in the 1800s. In Germany, Bingo was not just used as a game. It was actually educational. It was used to teach history and mathematics to children. It wasn’t until the 1920s when Bingo became popular in North America. It was first played in Atlanta, Georgia where it was termed “Beano” as they used beans to mark their cards when their numbers came up.
Bingo as we know it
The Bingo that we know now is a product of several modifications. Edwin S. Lowe, a New York businessman actually coined the term Bingo after hearing someone say it instead of “Beano”, which is what they usually say to indicate that they have won. Therefore, the term changed from Beano which was popular in Europe, to Bingo.
Years later, regular Bingo faded into the background. This was also due to the rise of other more exciting board games. This did not necessarily kill Bingo though. In 1996, online Bingo was started. There were only a few companies operating online Bingo then. The process was a bit complicated. The operating systems were also not that fast compared with what we have now.
Eventually though, online Bingo was improved. Multiplayer rooms were also created. People from around the world could register and play in the same room. Prizes have also increased. You don’t have to leave your house to play the game. You can even keep playing when you are travelling as long as you have internet access.
Online Bingo History has been interesting; we can only thank those who have worked hard just to improve online Bingo and make it more convenient to play now. We also thank them for finding a way to digitize this tradition and continue it for future generations to see. You can take part now by using your computer and registering with a legitimate online Bingo site.
Image via (Pixomar)
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